📄️ Create a go link
You can quickly create a go link by either typing a not-yet-created go link into your address
📄️ Using a go link
To use a go link, simply type it into your address bar: go/welcome
📄️ Edit a go link
A go link's owner) or an adminstrator can
📄️ Delete a go link
A go link's owner or an administrator can
📄️ Administrators
Administrators are able to edit or delete any
📄️ Programmatic go links
Trotto supports programmatic go links, which are links containing placeholders that map onto the destination URL.
📄️ Quicksearches
You can use programmatic go links to set up team-wide quicksearches for any app your team
📄️ Supporting the go hostname
To get the most out of go links, every user in your organization should be able to access your
📄️ FAQs
What do I do if go links keep taking me to search results?